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St. Anne's Primary School, Donaghadee


2015/2016 School Year

13th Mar 2016
During Waste Week (7th March - 11th March) we held a competition to design a poster...
11th Mar 2016
Families are invited to join us for our St. Patrick's Assembly on Tuesday, March...
9th Mar 2016
In key stage 1, the pupils have been learning about estimating. As a class we have...
6th Mar 2016
To help raise money for Trocaire this year: pupils have been asked to collect...
3rd Mar 2016
We had a no pencil day to coincide with World Book day on Thursday 3rd March....
3rd Mar 2016
2nd Mar 2016
We've been swapping books all week in the lead up to World Book Day.
23rd Feb 2016
Our Lego Club is on Thursday afternoons. 1.45 ~ 2.45 for P1 & P2 3pm ~ 4pm...
10th Feb 2016
Our School Council met for the first time on Wednesday February 10. It was an exciting...